Add a function Withdraw(amount int) bool to the program. The result should indicate whether the transaction …
Add depth-limiting to the concurrent crawler. That is, if the user sets -depth=3, then only URLs reachable by at most three …
Modify clock2 to accept a port number, and write a program, clockwall, that acts as a client of several clock servers at once, …
Using the ideas from ByteCounter, implement counters for words and for lines. You will find bufio.ScanWords useful.
Implement these additional methods:
func (*IntSet) Len() int // return the number of elements
func (*IntSet) Remove(x int) …
Change the findlinks program to traverse the n.FirstChild linked list using recursive calls to visit instead of a loop.
Modify charcount to count letters, digits, and so on in their Unicode categories, using functions like unicode.IsLetter.