第二十九章 Ephemeris for Physical Observations of the Sun
1. 日面计算
$P$ 为日轴方位角,自日面北点量起的太阳自转轴北端的方位角,向东为正
$B_0$ 为日面中心的日面纬度
$L_0$ 为日面中心的日面经度
θ = (JD - 2398220)\frac {360°}{25.38}\\[2ex]
I = 7°.25,(太阳赤道与黄道的倾角)\\[2ex]
K = 73°.6667 + 1°.3958333\frac {JD - 2396758}{36525},(太阳赤道与黄道的升交点的黄经)\\[2ex]
\tan x = -\cos λ’\tan ε\\[2ex]
\tan y = -\cos (λ - K)\tan I
P = x+y\\[2ex]
\sin B_0 = \sin(λ - K)\sin I\\[2ex]
\tan η = \frac {-\sin(λ - K)\cos I}{-\cos (λ - K)}\\[2ex]
L_0 = η-θ
// Ephemeris returns the apparent orientation of the sun at the given jd.
// 计算日面参数
// Results:
// P: Position angle of the solar north pole.
// B0: Heliographic latitude of the center of the solar disk.
// L0: Heliographic longitude of the center of the solar disk.
func Ephemeris(jd float64, e *pp.V87Planet) (P, B0, L0 unit.Angle) {
θ := unit.Angle((jd - 2398220) * 2 * math.Pi / 25.38)
I := unit.AngleFromDeg(7.25)
K := unit.AngleFromDeg(73.6667) +
L, _, R := solar.TrueVSOP87(e, jd)
Δψ, Δε := nutation.Nutation(jd)
ε0 := nutation.MeanObliquity(jd)
ε := ε0 + Δε
λ := L - unit.AngleFromSec(20.4898).Div(R)
λp := λ + Δψ
sλK, cλK := (λ - K).Sincos()
sI, cI := I.Sincos()
tx := -(λp.Cos() * ε.Tan())
ty := -(cλK * I.Tan())
P = unit.Angle(math.Atan(tx) + math.Atan(ty))
B0 = unit.Angle(math.Asin(sλK * sI))
η := unit.Angle(math.Atan2(-sλK*cI, -cλK))
L0 = (η - θ).Mod1()
// Cycle returns the jd of the start of the given synodic rotation.
// Argument c is the "Carrington" cycle number.
// Result is a dynamical time (not UT).
func Cycle(c int) (jde float64) {
cf := float64(c)
jde = 2398140.227 + 27.2752316*cf
m := 281.96*math.Pi/180 + 26.882476*math.Pi/180*cf
s2m, c2m := math.Sincos(2 * m)
return jde + .1454*math.Sin(m) - .0085*s2m - .0141*c2m