

第二十五章 太阳坐标 Solar Coordinates

1. 低精度太阳黄经


  • 太阳真黄经

    \begin{align} 太阳几何平黄经:L_0 &= 280°.46646 + 36000°.76983T + 0°.0003032T^2\\[2ex] 太阳平近点角: M &= 357°.52911 + 35999°.05029T - 0°.0001537T^2\\[2ex] 地球轨道离心率: e &= 0.016708634 - 0.000042037T - 0.0000001267T^2\\[2ex] 太阳中心方程 : C &= +(1°.914602 - 0°.004817T - 0°.000014T^2)\sin M\\[2ex] &+(0°.019993 - 0°.000101T)\sin 2M\\[2ex] &+ 0°.000289\sin 3M \end{align} 那么,太阳的真黄经是:$☉ = L_0 + C$ 真近点角是:$ν = M + C$
    日地距离(AU)为:$R =\frac {1.000001018(1-e^2)}{1+e\cos ν}$

    // True returns true geometric longitude and anomaly of the sun referenced to the mean equinox of date.
    // 计算太阳真黄经s,真近点角ν
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    // Results:
    //  s = true geometric longitude, ☉
    //  ν = true anomaly
    func True(T float64) (s, ν unit.Angle) {
        // (25.2) p. 163
        L0 := unit.AngleFromDeg(base.Horner(T, 280.46646, 36000.76983, 0.0003032))
        M := MeanAnomaly(T)
        C := unit.AngleFromDeg(base.Horner(T, 1.914602, -0.004817, -.000014)*
            M.Sin() +
            (0.019993-.000101*T)*M.Mul(2).Sin() +
        return (L0 + C).Mod1(), (M + C).Mod1()
    // MeanAnomaly returns the mean anomaly of Earth at the given T.
    // 太阳平近点角
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    // Result is not normalized to the range 0..2π.
    func MeanAnomaly(T float64) unit.Angle {
        // (25.3) p. 163
        return unit.AngleFromDeg(base.Horner(T, 357.52911, 35999.05029, -0.0001537))
    // Eccentricity returns eccentricity of the Earth's orbit around the sun.
    // 地球轨道离心率
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    func Eccentricity(T float64) float64 {
        // (25.4) p. 163
        return base.Horner(T, 0.016708634, -0.000042037, -0.0000001267)
    // Radius returns the Sun-Earth distance in AU.
    // 日地距离,单位为 AU
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    func Radius(T float64) float64 {
        _, ν := True(T)
        e := Eccentricity(T)
        // (25.5) p. 164
        return 1.000001018 * (1 - e*e) / (1 + e*ν.Cos())
  • 太阳视黄经

    太阳视黄经$λ$ = 太阳真黄经$☉$ + 章动修正 + 光行差修正

    如果精度要求不高,可以采用以下公式: \begin{cases} Ω &= 125°.04 - 1934°.136T\\[2ex] λ &= ☉ - 0°.00569 -0°.00478\sin Ω \end{cases}

    // ApparentLongitude returns apparent longitude of the Sun referenced
    // to the true equinox of date.
    // 太阳视黄经,考虑了章动和光行差
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    // Result includes correction for nutation and aberration.
    func ApparentLongitude(T float64) unit.Angle {
        Ω := node(T)
        s, _ := True(T)
        return s - unit.AngleFromDeg(.00569) -
    func node(T float64) unit.Angle {
        return unit.AngleFromDeg(125.04 - 1934.136*T)

    J2000的太阳真黄经$☉_2000 = ☉ - 0°.01397(year-2000), 1900\leq year \leq 2100$

    // True2000 returns true geometric longitude and anomaly of the sun referenced to equinox J2000.
    // Argument T is the number of Julian centuries since J2000.
    // See base.J2000Century.
    // Results are accurate to .01 degree for years 1900 to 2100.
    // Results:
    //  s = true geometric longitude, ☉
    //  ν = true anomaly
    // J2000的太阳真黄经,真近点角
    func True2000(T float64) (s, ν unit.Angle) {
        s, ν = True(T)
        s -= unit.AngleFromDeg(.01397).Mul(T * 100)
  • 太阳地心赤经$α$,地心赤纬$δ$

    \begin{cases} \tan α = \frac {\cos ε\sin ☉}{\cos ☉}\\[2ex] \sin δ = \sin ε\sin ☉ \end{cases}

    // TrueEquatorial returns the true geometric position of the Sun as equatorial coordinates.
    // 太阳真赤经,真赤纬
    func TrueEquatorial(jde float64) (α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle) {
        s, _ := True(base.J2000Century(jde))
        ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jde)
        ss, cs := s.Sincos()
        sε, cε := ε.Sincos()
        // (25.6, 25.7) p. 165
        α = unit.RAFromRad(math.Atan2(cε*ss, cs))
        δ = unit.Angle(math.Asin(sε * ss))
  • 太阳地心视赤经,视赤纬

    $☉$补上黄经章动及光行差得到太阳视黄经$λ$,$ε$补上交角章动$+0.00256\cos Ω$ \begin{cases} \tan α = \frac {\cos ε\sin λ}{\cos λ}\\[2ex] \sin δ = \sin ε\sin λ \end{cases}

    // ApparentEquatorial returns the apparent position of the Sun as equatorial coordinates.
    // 太阳视赤经,视赤纬
    //  α: right ascension in radians
    //  δ: declination in radians
    func ApparentEquatorial(jde float64) (α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle) {
        T := base.J2000Century(jde)
        λ := ApparentLongitude(T)
        ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jde)
        sλ, cλ := λ.Sincos()
        // (25.8) p. 165
        ε += unit.AngleFromDeg(.00256).Mul(node(T).Cos())
        sε, cε := ε.Sincos()
        α = unit.RAFromRad(math.Atan2(cε*sλ, cλ))
        δ = unit.Angle(math.Asin(sε * sλ))

2. 高精度太阳黄经

  • 太阳地心黄经,地心黄纬 先采用VSOP87理论计算地球位置得到地球的日心黄经$L$,黄纬$β$,日地距离$R$ 再计算地心黄经$☉ = L + 180°$,黄纬$β=-B$
    令$λ′ = ☉ - 1°.397T - 0°.00031T^2$
    那么 \begin{cases} Δ☉ = -0”.09033\\[2ex] Δβ = +0”.03916(\cos(λ′) - \sin(λ′)) \end{cases}

    // TrueVSOP87 returns the true geometric position of the sun as ecliptic coordinates.
    // 根据VSOP87理论计算太阳真黄经,真黄纬,日地距离
    // Result computed by full VSOP87 theory.  Result is at equator and equinox
    // of date in the FK5 frame.  It does not include nutation or aberration.
    //  s: ecliptic longitude
    //  β: ecliptic latitude
    //  R: range in AU
    func TrueVSOP87(e *pp.V87Planet, jde float64) (s, β unit.Angle, R float64) {
        l, b, r := e.Position(jde) //VSOP87算出的地球的日心黄经,黄纬,日地距离
        s = l + math.Pi
        // FK5 correction.
        λp := base.Horner(base.J2000Century(jde),
            s.Rad(), -1.397*math.Pi/180, -.00031*math.Pi/180)
        sλp, cλp := math.Sincos(λp)
        Δβ := unit.AngleFromSec(.03916).Mul(cλp - sλp)
        // (25.9) p. 166
        s -= unit.AngleFromSec(.09033)
        return s.Mod1(), Δβ - b, r
  • 太阳地心视黄经

    与日心视黄经一样,对日心黄经进行章动和光行差修正 章动可以由章动公式求得,光行差可以由以下公式求得$$-20”.4898/R$$

    // ApparentVSOP87 returns the apparent position of the sun as ecliptic coordinates.
    // 根据VSOP87理论计算太阳视黄经,视黄纬,日地距离,考虑了章动和光行差
    // 即真黄经+黄经章动+光行差,真黄纬,日地距离不变
    // Result computed by VSOP87, at equator and equinox of date in the FK5 frame,
    // and includes effects of nutation and aberration.
    //  λ: ecliptic longitude
    //  β: ecliptic latitude
    //  R: range in AU
    func ApparentVSOP87(e *pp.V87Planet, jde float64) (λ, β unit.Angle, R float64) {
        // note: see duplicated code in ApparentEquatorialVSOP87.
        s, β, R := TrueVSOP87(e, jde)
        Δψ, _ := nutation.Nutation(jde)
        a := aberration(R)
        return s + Δψ + a, β, R
    // Low precision formula.  The high precision formula is not implemented
    // because the low precision formula already gives position results to the
    // accuracy given on p. 165.  The high precision formula the represents lots
    // of typing with associated chance of typos, and no way to test the result.
    // 低精度光行差修正项
    func aberration(R float64) unit.Angle {
        // (25.10) p. 167
        return unit.AngleFromSec(-20.4898).Div(R)
  • 太阳地心视赤经,视赤纬


    // ApparentEquatorialVSOP87 returns the apparent position of the sun as equatorial coordinates.
    // 根据VSOP87理论计算太阳视赤经,视赤纬,日地距离,考虑了章动和光行差
    // 即先计算视黄经,视黄纬,此时考虑交角章动,用真黄赤交角转为赤道坐标
    // Result computed by VSOP87, at equator and equinox of date in the FK5 frame,
    // and includes effects of nutation and aberration.
    //  α: right ascension
    //  δ: declination
    //  R: range in AU
    func ApparentEquatorialVSOP87(e *pp.V87Planet, jde float64) (α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, R float64) {
        // note: duplicate code from ApparentVSOP87 so we can keep Δε.
        // see also duplicate code in time.E().
        s, β, R := TrueVSOP87(e, jde)
        Δψ, Δε := nutation.Nutation(jde)
        a := aberration(R)
        λ := s + Δψ + a
        ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jde) + Δε
        sε, cε := ε.Sincos()
        α, δ = coord.EclToEq(λ, β, sε, cε)


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