

计算精确的农历节气和日月合朔时间点,需要使用天文算法来实现。《Astronomical Algorithms》正是这么一本不那么让人望而生畏的介绍天文算法的书籍,国内比较出名的寿星万年历亦是基于此书中的算法。

作为一名 Gopher 本想自造轮子来实现,但是万能的 Github 上已有前人身先士卒,直接上地址meeus,该库基本上完整的实现了Astronomical Algorithms中的算法,而且每一章节对应一个 package,浏览起来不会让人感觉没有头绪。


②第一章Hints and Tips

③第二章 About accuracy

④第三章 Interpolation 插值



1. 牛顿插值



2. 三点等距二阶差商的牛顿插值

2.1 插值公式

二阶牛顿插值多项式为: $N(x) = [y_0] + [y_0,y_1](x-x_0) + [y_0,y_1,y_2](x-x_0)(x-x_1)$,如下图

假设有三点$(x_0,y_0),(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),x_0,x_1,x_2$等距(单位长度1) ,

且$n$ 为插值因子,$x$距离$x_1$最近 \begin{align} n&=(x-x_1)/单位长度\\
&=x-x1 \end{align}

令 $a=y_1-y_0, b=y_2-y_1,c=b-a=y_0+y_2-2y_1$ 则有: \begin{align} x-x_0 &= x-x_1 + 1\\
&= n + 1 \end{align} \begin{align} f(x) &= y_0 + a(x-x_0)+(c/(x_2-x_0))(x-x_0)(x-x_1)\\
&= y_0 + a(n+1) + 0.5c(n+1)n\\
&= y_1-a + an + a + 0.5n(cn+c)\\
&= y_1 + 0.5n(cn+b-a+2a)\\
&= y_1 + 0.5n(cn+a+b)\\




// Len3 allows second difference interpolation.
// 等距三点插值结构
type Len3 struct {
x1, x3             float64   //x1,x3分别为起始点和终止点,无需给出x2,因为等距
y                  []float64 //y为x1,x2,x3对应的值的序列
a, b, c            float64   //a=y2-y1, b=y3-y2, c=b-a=y3+y1-2y2
abSum, xSum, xDiff float64   //计数插值的中间变量

// NewLen3 prepares a Len3 object from a table of three rows of x and y values.
// X values must be equally spaced, so only the first and last are supplied.
// X1 must not equal x3.  Y must be a slice of three y values.
// 根据上述定义,创建三点插值结构
func NewLen3(x1, x3 float64, y []float64) (*Len3, error) {
if len(y) != 3 {
	return nil, ErrorNot3
if x3 == x1 {
	return nil, ErrorNoXRange
d := &Len3{
	x1: x1,
	x3: x3,
	y:  append([]float64{}, y...),
// differences. (3.1) p. 23
d.a = y[1] - y[0]
d.b = y[2] - y[1]
d.c = d.b - d.a
// other intermediate values
d.abSum = d.a + d.b
d.xSum = x3 + x1
d.xDiff = x3 - x1
return d, nil


// Len3ForInterpolateX is a special purpose Len3 constructor.
// Like NewLen3, it takes a table of x and y values, but it is not limited
// to tables of 3 rows.  An X value is also passed that represents the
// interpolation target x value.  Len3ForInterpolateX will locate the
// appropriate three rows of the table for interpolating for x, and initialize
// the Len3 object for those rows.
//	x is the target for interpolation
//	x1 is the x value corresponding to the first y value of the table.
//	xn is the x value corresponding to the last y value of the table.
//	y is all y values in the table.  len(y) should be >= 3.
// 给定n个点,但是我们只需选取离目标点x最接近的三个点来做三点插值,
// 此时可用以下函数来自动选择最优三点,来构造三点插值
// 同样,前提是n个点等距,且与y一一对应
func Len3ForInterpolateX(x, x1, xn float64, y []float64) (*Len3, error) {
	if len(y) > 3 {
		interval := (xn - x1) / float64(len(y)-1)
		if interval == 0 {
			return nil, ErrorNoXRange
		nearestX := int((x-x1)/interval + .5)
		if nearestX < 1 {
			nearestX = 1
		} else if nearestX > len(y)-2 {
			nearestX = len(y) - 2
		y = y[nearestX-1 : nearestX+2]
		xn = x1 + float64(nearestX+1)*interval
		x1 = x1 + float64(nearestX-1)*interval
	return NewLen3(x1, xn, y)

插值因子 $n$ 为:目标点 $x$ 与 中间点 $x_2$之差除以实际步长
\begin{equation} \because n = 2(x - x_2)/(x_3-x_1), x_2 = x_1 + (x_3-x_1)/2\\
\therefore n = [2x - (x_1+x_3)]/(x_3-x_1)\\

// InterpolateX interpolates for a given x value.
// 计算插值因子n,调用非严格插值计算
func (d *Len3) InterpolateX(x float64) (y float64) {
	n := (2*x - d.xSum) / d.xDiff
	return d.InterpolateN(n)

// InterpolateXStrict interpolates for a given x value,
// restricting x to the range x1 to x3 given to the constructor NewLen3.
// 计算插值因子n,调用严格插值计算
func (d *Len3) InterpolateXStrict(x float64) (y float64, err error) {
	n := (2*x - d.xSum) / d.xDiff
	y, err = d.InterpolateNStrict(n)
	if err == ErrorNOutOfRange {
		err = ErrorXOutOfRange




// InterpolateN interpolates for a given interpolating factor n.
// This is interpolation formula (3.3)
// The interpolation factor n is x-x2 in units of the tabular x interval.
// (See Meeus p. 24.)
// 非严格插值计算,不用保证目标点插值因子绝对值小于等于1,
// 即不用保证离我们所选三点中点距离小于一个步长
func (d *Len3) InterpolateN(n float64) (y float64) {
	return d.y[1] + n*.5*(d.abSum+n*d.c)

// InterpolateNStrict interpolates for a given interpolating factor n.
// N is restricted to the range [-1..1] corresponding to the range x1 to x3
// given to the constructor NewLen3.
// 严格插值计算,必须保证目标点插值因子绝对值小于等于1,
// 即必须保证离我们所选三点中点距离小于一个步长
func (d *Len3) InterpolateNStrict(n float64) (y float64, err error) {
	if n < -1 || n > 1 {
		return 0, ErrorNOutOfRange
	return d.InterpolateN(n), nil

2.2 极值

因为 $y_1 + 0.5n(cn+a+b)$是关于 $n$ 的二次函数($c \neq 0$时),由二次函数的性质可知:

当 $n=-(a+b)/(2c)$时,有极值$-(a+b)^2/(8c)$


再由$n = [2x - (x_1+x_3)]/(x_3-x_1)$

得出此时实际$x = [n(x_3-x_1)+(x_1+x_3)]/2$

// Extremum returns the x and y values at the extremum.
// Results are restricted to the range of the table given to the constructor
// NewLen3.
func (d *Len3) Extremum() (x, y float64, err error) {
	if d.c == 0 {
		return 0, 0, ErrorNoExtremum
	n := d.abSum / (-2 * d.c) // (3.5), p. 25
	if n < -1 || n > 1 {
		return 0, 0, ErrorExtremumOutside
	x = .5 * (d.xSum + d.xDiff*n)          // 根据实际步长得出极值点x
	y = d.y[1] - (d.abSum*d.abSum)/(8*d.c) // (3.4), p. 25
	return x, y, nil

2.3 根

和普通方程类似,有时候我们需要求解插值函数的”根”,即 $y=0$所对应的插值点

同样借助 $y=y_1+ 0.5n(cn+a+b)$,令 $y=0$

得$n = -2y_1/(cn+a+b)$

此时再利用迭代法求解近似根 $n_0$


$Δn_0 = -[ 2y_1 +n_0 (a+b+cn_0 ) ]/(a +b + 2cn_0 )$

求解得到满足精度要求的 $n$ 后,再根据实际步长得出 $x$,即为”根”

// Len3Zero finds a zero of the quadratic function represented by the table.
// That is, it returns an x value that yields y=0.
// Argument strong switches between two strategies for the estimation step.
// when iterating to converge on the zero.
// Strong=false specifies a quick and dirty estimate that works well
// for gentle curves, but can work poorly or fail on more dramatic curves.
// Strong=true specifies a more sophisticated and thus somewhat more
// expensive estimate.  However, if the curve has quick changes, This estimate
// will converge more reliably and in fewer steps, making it a better choice.
// Results are restricted to the range of the table given to the constructor
// NewLen3.
// strong 为考虑修正量的迭代方式,更为精确
func (d *Len3) Zero(strong bool) (x float64, err error) {
	var f iterFunc
	if strong {
		// (3.7), p. 27
		f = func(n0 float64) float64 {
			return n0 - (2*d.y[1]+n0*(d.abSum+d.c*n0))/(d.abSum+2*d.c*n0)
	} else {
		// (3.6), p. 26
		f = func(n0 float64) float64 {
			return -2 * d.y[1] / (d.abSum + d.c*n0)
	n0, ok := iterate(0, f)
	if !ok {
		return 0, ErrorNoConverge
	if n0 > 1 || n0 < -1 {
		return 0, ErrorZeroOutside
	return .5 * (d.xSum + d.xDiff*n0), nil // success

type iterFunc func(n0 float64) (n1 float64)

func iterate(n0 float64, f iterFunc) (n1 float64, ok bool) {
	for limit := 0; limit < 50; limit++ {
		n1 = f(n0)
		if math.IsInf(n1, 0) || math.IsNaN(n1) {
			break // failure to converge
		if math.Abs((n1-n0)/n0) < 1e-15 {
			return n1, true // success
		n0 = n1
	return 0, false // failure to converge

3. 五点等距四阶差商的牛顿插值

3.1 五点插值公式



$y=y_3+ \frac {n} {2}(b+c)+\frac {n^2} {2}f+\frac{n(n^2-1)}{12}(h+j)+\frac {n^2(n^2-1)}{24k}$


$y=y_3+n(\frac {b+c}{2}-\frac {h+j}{12})+n^2(\frac {f}{2}-\frac {k}{24})+n^3(\frac {h+j}{12})+n^4(\frac {k}{24})$

// Len5 allows fourth difference interpolation.
// 五点等距插值结构
type Len5 struct {
	x1, x5      float64   // x1为起始点,x5为终止点
	y           []float64 // y 为x1,x2,x3,x4,x5的一一映射
	a, b, c, d  float64   // a=y2-y1, b=y3-y2, c=y4-y3, d=y5-y4
	e, f, g     float64   // e=b-a, f=c-b, g=d-c
	h, j, k     float64   // h=f-e, j=g-f, k=j-h
	y3          float64   // y3为中间点的 y 值
	xSum, xDiff float64   // xSum=x1+x5, xDiff=x5-x1
	interpCoeff []float64 // 插值函数对应插值因子 n 的各项系数(0-4)

// NewLen5 prepares a Len5 object from a table of five rows of x and y values.
// X values must be equally spaced, so only the first and last are supplied.
// X1 must not equal x5.  Y must be a slice of five y values.
// 构造5点插值结构
func NewLen5(x1, x5 float64, y []float64) (*Len5, error) {
	if len(y) != 5 {
		return nil, ErrorNot5
	if x5 == x1 {
		return nil, ErrorNoXRange
	d := &Len5{
		x1: x1,
		x5: x5,
		y:  append([]float64{}, y...),
		y3: y[2],
	// differences
	d.a = y[1] - y[0]
	d.b = y[2] - y[1]
	d.c = y[3] - y[2]
	d.d = y[4] - y[3]
	d.e = d.b - d.a
	d.f = d.c - d.b
	d.g = d.d - d.c
	d.h = d.f - d.e
	d.j = d.g - d.f
	d.k = d.j - d.h
	// other intermediate values
	d.xSum = x5 + x1
	d.xDiff = x5 - x1
	d.interpCoeff = []float64{ // (3.8) p. 28
		(d.b+d.c)/2 - (d.h+d.j)/12,
		d.f/2 - d.k/24,
		(d.h + d.j) / 12,
		d.k / 24,
	return d, nil
// InterpolateX interpolates for a given x value.
func (d *Len5) InterpolateX(x float64) (y float64) {
	n := (4*x - 2*d.xSum) / d.xDiff
	return d.InterpolateN(n)
// InterpolateXStrict interpolates for a given x value,
// restricting x to the range x1 to x5 given to the the constructor NewLen5.
func (d *Len5) InterpolateXStrict(x float64) (y float64, err error) {
	n := (4*x - 2*d.xSum) / d.xDiff
	y, err = d.InterpolateNStrict(n)
	if err == ErrorNOutOfRange {
		err = ErrorXOutOfRange
// InterpolateN interpolates for a given interpolating factor n.
// The interpolation factor n is x-x3 in units of the tabular x interval.
// (See Meeus p. 28.)
// Horner 为工具函数,求解多项式之和,interpCoeff为多项式系数
func (d *Len5) InterpolateN(n float64) (y float64) {
	return base.Horner(n, d.interpCoeff...)
// InterpolateNStrict interpolates for a given interpolating factor n.
// N is restricted to the range [-1..1].  This is only half the range given
// to the constructor NewLen5, but is the recommendation given on p. 31.
func (d *Len5) InterpolateNStrict(n float64) (y float64, err error) {
	if n < -1 || n > 1 {
		return 0, ErrorNOutOfRange
	return base.Horner(n, d.interpCoeff...), nil

3.2 五点极值

函数的极值对应的插值因子 $n_m$ 可通过解以下方程得到:

$n_m=\frac {6b+6c-h-j+3n_m^2(h+j)+2n_m^3k}{k-12f}$

和上面的一样,我们可以执行迭代。首次,把 $n_m=0$代 入方程右边,迭代求得$n_m$

当我们最后得到$n_m$后,$x_m=\frac {x_1+x_5}{2}+\frac {x_5-x_1}{4}n_m$


// Extremum returns the x and y values at the extremum.
// Results are restricted to the range of the table given to the constructor
// NewLen5.  (Meeus actually recommends restricting the range to one unit of
// the tabular interval, but that seems a little harsh.)
// 5点插值极值
func (d *Len5) Extremum() (x, y float64, err error) {
	// (3.9) p. 29
	nCoeff := []float64{
		6*(d.b+d.c) - d.h - d.j,
		3 * (d.h + d.k), // 不应该是 d.h+d.j 吗?
		2 * d.k,
	den := d.k - 12*d.f
	if den == 0 {
		return 0, 0, ErrorExtremumOutside
	n0, ok := iterate(0, func(n0 float64) float64 {
		return base.Horner(n0, nCoeff...) / den
	if !ok {
		return 0, 0, ErrorNoConverge
	if n0 < -2 || n0 > 2 {
		return 0, 0, ErrorExtremumOutside
	x = .5*d.xSum + .25*d.xDiff*n0
	y = base.Horner(n0, d.interpCoeff...)
	return x, y, nil

3.3 五点求根


$n_0=\frac {-24y_3+n_0^2(k-12f)-2n_0^3(h+j)-n_0^4k}{2(6b+6c-h-j)}$


$Δn_0 =-\frac {Mn_0^4+Nn_0^3+Pn_0^2+Qn_0+y_3}{4Mn_0^3+3Nn_0^2+2Pn_0+Q},$


// Len5Zero finds a zero of the quartic function represented by the table.
// That is, it returns an x value that yields y=0.
// Argument strong switches between two strategies for the estimation step.
// when iterating to converge on the zero.
// Strong=false specifies a quick and dirty estimate that works well
// for gentle curves, but can work poorly or fail on more dramatic curves.
// Strong=true specifies a more sophisticated and thus somewhat more
// expensive estimate.  However, if the curve has quick changes, This estimate
// will converge more reliably and in fewer steps, making it a better choice.
// Results are restricted to the range of the table given to the constructor
// NewLen5.
// strong 为带修正模式
func (d *Len5) Zero(strong bool) (x float64, err error) {
	var f iterFunc
	if strong {
		// (3.11), p. 29
		M := d.k / 24
		N := (d.h + d.j) / 12
		P := d.f/2 - M
		Q := (d.b+d.c)/2 - N
		numCoeff := []float64{d.y3, Q, P, N, M}
		denCoeff := []float64{Q, 2 * P, 3 * N, 4 * M}
		f = func(n0 float64) float64 {
			return n0 -
				base.Horner(n0, numCoeff...)/base.Horner(n0, denCoeff...)
	} else {
		// (3.10), p. 29
		numCoeff := []float64{
			-24 * d.y3,
			d.k - 12*d.f,
			-2 * (d.h + d.j),
		den := 12*(d.b+d.c) - 2*(d.h+d.j)
		f = func(n0 float64) float64 {
			return base.Horner(n0, numCoeff...) / den
	n0, ok := iterate(0, f)
	if !ok {
		return 0, ErrorNoConverge
	if n0 > 2 || n0 < -2 {
		return 0, ErrorZeroOutside
	x = .5*d.xSum + .25*d.xDiff*n0
	return x, nil

4. 四点等距中间点插值

假设有$(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2),(x_3,y_3),(x_4,y_4)$ 那么 $x_2$到 $x_3$ 之间的中点对应的函数值为: $y = [ 9(y_2 +y_3 ) - y_1 - y_4 ] / 16$

// Len4Half interpolates a center value from a table of four rows.
func Len4Half(y []float64) (float64, error) {
	if len(y) != 4 {
		return 0, ErrorNot4
	// (3.12) p. 32
	return (9*(y[1]+y[2]) - y[0] - y[3]) / 16, nil

5. 横坐标不等间距插值:拉格朗日插值

\begin{align} y=y_1L_1+y_2L_2+\cdots+y_nL_n\\[2ex] L_i = \prod_{ \substack{ i+1\\
i \neq j }}^n \frac {x-x_j}{x_i-x_j} \end{align}

上式是一个 $n-1$ 阶的多项式,这是利用 $y_1,y_2,\dots y_n$ 所能得到的唯一的一个 $n-1$ 阶多项式(注:多项式 插值具有唯一性)。但拉格朗日公式本身有个缺点,就是没有给出所需的数据点数量,以争取达到理想的精度。不过, 当我们希望表达一个函数的明确的插值多项式时,而$x$ 又远离插值节点,那么使用拉格朗日公式是有益的。

// Lagrange performs interpolation with unequally-spaced abscissae.
// Given a table of X and Y values, interpolate a new y value for argument x.
// X values in the table do not have to be equally spaced; they do not even
// have to be in order.  They must however, be distinct.
// table 中包含了 n 个点且xi 必须互异,x 为目标插值点
func Lagrange(x float64, table []struct{ X, Y float64 }) (y float64) {
	// method of BASIC program, p. 33.
	sum := 0.
	for i := range table {
		xi := table[i].X
		prod := 1.
		for j := range table {
			if i != j {
				xj := table[j].X
				prod *= (x - xj) / (xi - xj)
		sum += table[i].Y * prod
	return sum
// LagrangePoly uses the formula of Lagrange to produce an interpolating
// polynomial.
// X values in the table do not have to be equally spaced; they do not even
// have to be in order.  They must however, be distinct.
// The returned polynomial will be of degree n-1 where n is the number of rows
// in the table.  It can be evaluated for x using common.Horner.
// 构造拉格朗日多项式,返回各项系数(0-n)
func LagrangePoly(table []struct{ X, Y float64 }) []float64 {
	// Method not fully described by Meeus, but needed for numerical solution
	// to Example 3.g.
	sum := make([]float64, len(table))
	prod := make([]float64, len(table))
	last := len(table) - 1
	for i := range table {
		xi := table[i].X
		yi := table[i].Y
		prod[last] = 1
		den := 1.
		n := last
		for j := range table {
			if i != j {
				xj := table[j].X
				prod[n-1] = prod[n] * -xj
				for k := n; k < last; k++ {
					prod[k] -= prod[k+1] * xj
				den *= (xi - xj)
		for j, pj := range prod {
			sum[j] += yi * pj / den
	return sum
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